GetResponse Review 2024

The world’s biggest, best and easiest email marketing provider – we use them personally for many sites and can recommend them very strongly. Fully compatible with virtually all wordpress plugins, themes and shopping carts.

GetResponse is a complete email marketing solution for publishing newsletters and unlimited follow-up autoresponders to your subscribers to convert them to paying customers.

GetResponse is one of the largest email marketing providers in the world and delivers over 5 billion messages each year from 172 countries, having established relations with all the major ISPs and Email Service Providers to ensure the highest possible email deliverability rates.

GetResponse is fully scalable and capable of handling both small and very large lists alike (1+ million subscribers).

Differences between GetResponse vs Aweber

Very easy to import contacts and flexibility to use single or double opt-in.

Getresponse allows as single opt-in (something which is much more difficult to get on Aweber).

Getresponse single opt-in is especially very useful when getting email addresses using Facebook Connect or syncing to forms via API.

Differences between GetResponse vs Mailchimp

Getresponse allows internet marketers and broadcasting of affiliate links (which Mailchimp does not allow and friends have had mailchimp accounts banned – so recommend you switch to Getresponse ASAP).

I will say that the interfaces and creating forms, newsletters, emails are quite similar between GetResponse, Aweber and Mailchimp so if you or your staff are used to one platform it is very easy to use another.

GetResponse Landing Page Templates

GetResponse has a beautiful collection of Email Landing Page templates for all types of industries including Restaurants, Real Estate, Fitness, Weight Loss, eCommerce sites, Gift sites and many more.

GetResponse features:

– Over 250,000 active accounts

FREE TRIAL available

– Deliverability of up to 68% higher than competitors

– Unlimited autoresponders, follow-ups, campaigns, lists, messages

– Powerful, automatic message personalization

– Smart tracking features

– Built-in anti-spam filters

– Is the largest and best provider in the world to support Single Opt-in, meaning you can switch off forcing customers to click to double confirm their opt-in via email (this is one of the key differences between aweber and getresponse)

– Is also the largest and best provider in the world, there is no longer a Getresponse Free Plan but they now offer a Getresponse Free Trial instead.

– Getresponse is the best full service provider to do this, since other providers with free plans such as Mailchimp do not allow affiliate links and prohibit many online industries (key difference between mailchimp vs getresponse)

– Getresponse is one of the top providers in the world so virtually all WordPress Plugins and email marketing tools for popups, wordpress integration, facebook integration etc are virtually all easily compatible with Getresponse

GetResponse Email Signup Form Templates

GetResponse has a large collection of pre-made of Email Landing Page templates for all industries.

GetResponse Email Newsletter Templates

Again GetResponse has a large collection of pre-made Email Newsletter templates for all industries, including Thank You emails and Shopping Cart Abandonment follow up emails.

Click here to visit GetResponse

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