Social Media website Myspace has launched a completely revamped version with new design and layout called “the New Myspace”. Watch the new MySpace Preview Video / Introduction to the new myspace video called “This is Myspace” here:
MySpace has been the butt of jokes for almost five years after being bought for US$580 million by News Corporation and sold 6 years later for US$35 million, but new investors like pop star Justin Timberlake and Chris and Tim Vanderhook, who bought MySpace in July 2011, are hoping Myspace can make a comeback.
The new Myspace design and layout now focuses on emerging artists hoping to be discovered. According to the site itself, “the new Myspace is the social and music discovery destination powered by the passion of fans. Music, videos, photos, and TV, made social.”
The new myspace design and new myspace layout indeed looks beautiful, like the popular Windows 8 and Windows Media Player interface crossed with Pinterest (which was a huge hit). There are bordered tiles, high resolution images, timeline seems to scroll horizonatally, users can log in with Facebook or Twitter and import photos across and status updates look similar to the mobile app Path.

So far the critics seem wowed, with Gizmodo saying “The New MySpace Looks Genuinely Amazing” and Mashable describing the “Sexy New Myspace” interface as “clean and attractive”.
A major focus of the new Myspace is music – artists can communicate with their fans, and fans can browse popular artists and albums. I think the focus on music artists is a smart move as music artists have always been MySpaces’ strength and singers and songwriters especially are the top influencers and trend settings in the social media world. Any list of the biggest accounts on Twitter and Facebook with the most followers is topped by musicians and artists like Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. You can request an invite to the new myspace by going to
What do you think of the new myspace? Can Justin Timberlake and the new owners bring back Myspace or is Myspace dead?