If you want a flood of targeted clients that are searching for exactly your product or service, there is often nothing more effective than paid search like Google Ads.

We analyse and reverse engineer what is working for your competitors, such as:

  • Which keywords they are getting traffic and clients from, both organic and paid
  • What are their top selling products and most popular landing pages on their website
  • What are their best backlinks and traffic sources
  • What are their top performing ads, both text and display 

We find the best “buyer intent” keywords that actually convert into sales, often not the obvious ones. E.g. swooping in on customers that are just about to pay your competitors.

Example tip – Competitor Brand Names – We also have advanced strategies to focus on the best “buyer intent” keywords that actually convert (often not the obvious ones) including perhaps even targeting competitors’ brand names. 

In fact, your competitors may be swooping on people searching for your company and taking your potential clients as we speak – we can take care of them and turn the tables and instead your company should be getting clients searching for competitors. There are also pragmatic ways of partnering with review/affiliate sites to bump competitors out of these spots.

Example – video recruitment SAAS showing their ads when you search for a competitor’s name.

Example tip – Specific landing pages- often we find top competitors will send different keywords to specific landing pages, as opposed to sending all to the same home page. This is something we can do for you, fixing or building high performing landing pages to target the best keywords with the key elements in titles and on page to maximise quality score and conversion.

Note – To expand reach, there is a fair amount of work to do, as it is not just a matter of dumping increased ad spend, but knowing exactly what to cut and what to scale, drilling down researching longer tail keywords and creating/improving landing pages. We know the best sources to buy targeted traffic in many niches from our many years as a merchant and affiliate partner driving sales to many competitive industries, we focus on what gets you results. 

Example ApeShop ads / media placements on some of the most high traffic tech websites

Example tip to mine out keywords – Google Suggest

People are lazy and keywords suggested in the drop down menu get a spike in search traffic. 

We use tools to mine out lists from Google Suggest suggested keywords and add to our keyword analysis.

Retargeting – advertising your site to visitors that previously visited your site. It is especially effective when you retarget to people who have gone part way through the process and abandoned, perhaps they visited the contact page but didn’t submit. You may notice when you visit a site and abandon checkout for other sites you see display ads for that site which seem to follow you around the web.

Esp for high value clients, if they have had some initial contact or enquiry, we should have these ads to keep reminding them and get them back and convert them. Running retargeting display ads (e.g. Google Display Network or LinkedIn Ads) to people that have already visited your site has huge conversion rates and often the highest ROI to start.

We can also get clicks from other specialised channels like enterprise tech leads from Capterra Ads by Gartner Digital Markets.

“I attended Dave’s presentation at Affili@SYD and was immediately impressed with his knowledge. From that point onwards we’ve done business together quite a few times. He has promoted various of our (social media focused) B2B software with success. No fluff, but actual results. Thanks Dave!!”

Wilco de Kreij
CEO, UpViral and Connectio